Monday, April 18, 2016

Oh What a Beautiful Day!

Ahhhhh! Now Spring looks to be busting out all over here in Central PA! I've slept with the windows open the last two nights, and daytime temps are getting into the upper 70s F (around 25ยบ C). And the green is increasing and flowers blooming. Not to mention birdsong, Spring Peepers, and lots of critters of all sorts showing up all over. Here are some scenes from this morning's walk through the Dykeman Spring Nature Park. (By the way, if you want to hear a Soundcloud file of the Spring Peeper chorus going on in the wetland this morning, come visit my Facebook timeline).

Branch Creek at King St. is looking appropriately Springlike
Redwinged Blackbirds are all over the place in the Dykeman Spring wetland areas. Here's a female...
... and a male objecting to my presence in their nesting territory.
There were several Painted Turtles out sunning on this gorgeous morning!
Meanwhile, the Violets are blooming on the upland meadow
And here's a Carolina Wren singing his territorial song at me as I invade his turf
Large patches of Black Mustard are springing up on the meadow
A look across the meadow to the mountains to the north from the Meadow Trail
I haven't done this in a while, but today's gorgeousness got me thinking of two particular songs, so here we go into the YouTube archives to dig up the best music videos. Enjoy!

Photos © 2016 by A. Roy Hilbinger

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